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Many plugins provide features that you don’t want every player to have access too, it’s true that vanilla Minecraft has the built in operator system to help with that, but it only allows you to grant each player everything or nothing. A permissions plugin allows you to assign individual permissions for plugin features or vanilla commands instead of relying on their defaults and operator system. So as part of the core of your server, you’ll want to install a permissions plugin and get comfortable with using it as soon as possible.

The most recommended, feature rich, and easy to use permissions plugin is Luck Perms. This is true to such an extent that their wiki is a far better place to learn about it than any external resource, so we’ll just be going over what pages you’ll want to check out first and what you’ll need from our Game Panel to get Luck Perms set up.

Where to start

If you’ve never used a permissions plugin before, then Luck Perms provides an incredibly well written article about what they do and how you can use them to your advantage. Make sure to read that article here before starting the installation so that you know what you’re getting into.

If you have used a permissions plugin before and want to know what Luck Perms has to offer, check out their Commands and Usage article for the same effect but with the assumption that you understand the purpose of the plugin. If you get confused while reading that article, check out the other one linked above.

Installation on a single server

If you only need Luck Perms to handle your permissions for a single server, check out their article here.


If you want to use MySQL for data storage, check out our page on Creating a MySQL Database but keep in mind that MySQL can be a bit slower than the default storage method and isn’t needed when you only need Luck Perms to work on one server.

Installation on a proxy/network

If you’re using a proxy like BungeeCord or you need Luck Perms to handle your permissions on multiple servers then you can follow the steps on this article to install it on your network. In order to synchronize the permissions across your network you’ll need to use a MySQL database. You can find details on how to create one on our panel by reading our article on Creating a MySQL Database.

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