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Installing Fabric

Fabric is a lightweight modloader that is very useful for fast paced modification that keeps up with the vanilla update cycle. Our panel provides two ways to install the Fabric modloader, both of which you’ll find explained in detail below.

Server Assisted

If your Mod Pack did not include Fabric by default when downloading it through CurseForge, you will need to use our Edition Installer tool to install Fabric.

To access the Edition Installer, click ConfigurationAdvanced and you’ll find the Edition installer on the right side of the window. To install Fabric, you’ll need to select Fabric as the desired Edition and the version you need.


If the version you need isn’t listed, check out the next section on manually installing Fabric.


Do Not tick Format Server if you have uploaded (or obtained) a Mod Pack without Fabric.


If you need to install a version of Fabric that isn’t in our Edition Installer, then you’ll need to install Fabric manually from Fabric’s Server Launcher.

Fabric has a 1 jar installer/server launcher that both installs and runs the server for every version of the game and Mod Loader.

You’ll need to start by navigating to the Minecraft Server Launcher page on the fabric website, then selecting the Minecraft Version, Fabric Loader Version, and Installer Version. Keeping in mind that these can be mixed independent of the others, so make sure they’re all correct!

After selecting the versions you need, download the executable jar and upload the file to your server. Once the file is finished uploading, change the Startup Parameter Server Jar File to the name of the jar file you just uploaded and start your server. You’ll be asked to accept Mojang’s EULA after a moment when the server starts and then you’ll be able to start the server as normal.

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