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CoreProtect is an essential tool for a server of nearly any size. It allows you to track, view, and revert almost any change made by a player and a decent amount of changes made by the game itself. It’s a highly recommended plugin if you’re running Spigot or any of it’s forks.


You will need to download the latest version of CoreProtect.

Import the downloaded CoreProtect-XX.X.jar file in the plugins folder in the server and restart your server.

When the server restarts, it will load the plugin and generate files in the new folder called CoreProtect.


Once CoreProtect is running, it will log actions happening to the server.

You can enable inspector mode using the command /co inspect or simply /co i, with it you can:

  • Left-click a block to see who placed that block.
  • Right-click a block to see what adjacent block was removed.
  • Place a block in a location to see what block was removed at that location.
  • Place a block in another block (water, lava, etc.) to see who placed it in it.
  • Right-click on a door, button, chest, furnace, etc. to see who last used it.

To disable inspector mode use the same command again /co inspect.

Basic rollback

To rollback actions with the following command:

/co rollback user:<user> time:<time> radius:<radius> action:<action> blocks:<blocks> exclude:<exclude> #<hashtag>

The parameters are optional and some of them are required, you can write them in any order.

user:<user> rollbacks actions from the specified player.

time:<time> rollbacks actions within specified period of time, it can be weeks, days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds, mentioned by their first letter.

radius:<radius> rollbacks actions within range of blocks nearby you. By default it is 10 blocks.

see below for details

Detailed explanation of all commands are listed below.

Here are some example commands:

/co rollback user:Alex time:2h This will rollback Alex's actions from 2 hours ago. Since the radius is not set, it is automatically set to 10 blocks radius from you.

/co rollback radius:200 time:1d This will rollback actions from all players because no user is specified within 200 blocks radius from 1 day ago.

/co rollback user:Steve time:1h30m radius:15 This will rollback Steve's action from 1 hour and 30 minutes ago within 15 blocks of radius.

The results screen after running the 3rd command example.Loading...

The results screen after running the 3rd command example.

Basic lookup

You can also check for actions using the command /co lookup.

It uses the same parameters as the rollback command just instead of rolling it back, it gives you all the info about what it found.

The results of lookup command with the same parameters as the 3rd example above.Loading...

The results of lookup command with the same parameters as the 3rd example above.

In the Lookup Results it displays when it happened, who did it, what it did and where it happened.

You can click on the text where it is showing the coordinates and it will teleport you at that exact position where it happened.

You can also click on the arrows next to the "Page" text to switch between pages more easily.

free up space

Check the purge command to learn how to free up storage from old logged data.

All Commands

/co rollback [parameters]

With this command, you can rollback blocks that have been modified. Allows you to recover unexpected griefs.

It uses the parameters explained here.

Shortcut: /co rb

Example: /co rollback user:Alex radius:20 time:7h block:stone

/co restore [parameters]

This command allows restoring to undo rollbacks.

It uses the parameters explained here.

Shortcut: /co rs

Example: /co restore user:Alex radius:10 time:2h

/co lookup [parameters]

With this command, you can search through block data that have been modified.

It uses the parameters explained here.

Shortcut: /co l

Example: /co lookup user:Alex radius:35 time:3d action:login

/co purge t:<time> r:<world>

This will purge old block data. It is useful to free up storage space if you no longer need it.

You can specify time by using t:<time> and replacing <time> with time.

Example: /co purge t:30d This will delete all data older than 30 days or 1 month.

You can also specify time by using r:<world> and replacing <world> with world.

Example: /co purge t:30d r:#world_nether This will delete all data older than 30 days or 1 month that happened in Nether dimension, it will keep data from other dimensions.

/co reload

Reload the configuration file

/co status

View the plugin status

/co near

Performs a quick lookup with a radius of 5 blocks

/co undo

Revert a rollback/restore


Commands that have [parameters] share the same parameters, listed here:

user:<user> time:<time> radius:<radius> action:<action> blocks:<blocks> exclude:<exclude> #<hashtag>

These parameters can be in any order and not everything is required.

  • Adding user:<user> and replacing <user> with player's name, you can specify a user to rollback.

    Shortcut: u:<user>

    Example: user:Alex, u:Steve

  • Adding time:<time> and replacing <time> with time you can specify weeks, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds.

    Shortcut: t:<time>

    Example: time:3w,4d,7h,20m,10s, time:1d,2h, time:3h

    Also supports decimals numbers: time:2.5h (2 and a half hours)

  • Adding radius:<radius> and replacing <radius> with amount of blocks will rollback that amount blocks around you.

    Shortcut: r:<radius>

    Example: radius:10 - This will rollback damage within 10 blocks of where you are standing

    You can also specify the whole world r:#world, r:#world_nether, r:#world_the_end, all worlds r:#global or world selection r:#worldedit

    • Adding action:<action> and replacing <action> with an action will restrict lookup to the specified action.
    • List of actions available:
    • a:block blocks placed/broken
    • a:+block blocks placed
    • a:-block blocks broken
    • a:chat messages sent in chat
    • a:click player interactions
    • a:command commands used
    • a:container items taken from or put in chests
    • a:+container items put in chests
    • a:-container items taken from chests
    • a:inventory items dropped or picked up by players
    • a:+inventory items picked up by players
    • a:-inventory items dropped by players
    • a:item items dropped, picked up, taken from, or put in chests
    • a:+item items picked up or put in chests
    • a:-item items dropped or taken from chests
    • a:kill mobs/animals killed
    • a:session player logins/logouts
    • a:+session player logins
    • a:-session player logouts
    • a:sign messages written on signs
    • a:username username changes

    Shortcut: a:<action>

    Example: action:block, a:kill, action:-item

  • Adding blocks:<blocks> and replacing <blocks> with block will restrict lookup to the specified block.

    You can also put multiple blocks separated by a comma.

    Shortcut: b:<blocks>

    Example: block:dirt, b:iron_ore, block:diamond_ore,emerald_ore

  • Adding exclude:<exclude> and replacing <exclude> with block will exclude that block from lookup.

    You can also put multiple blocks separated by a comma.

    Shortcut: e:<blocks>

    Example: exclude:tnt, e:chest, e:chest,ender_chest

  • Adding #<hashtag> and replacing <hashtag> with one of the listed options will perform additional actions.

    Here's a list of available hashtags:

    • #preview Preview a rollback/restore

    An example of the CoreProtect rollback sub-command being executedLoading...

    • #count Return the number of rows found in a lookup query

    An example of the CoreProtect count sub-command being executedLoading...

    Example: #count, #preview

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