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Getting to Know

Logging In

You can access your server on WinterNode using the Game Control Panel. Once you have created your server, you will receive an email to create an account (check your Spam folder, if it’s not in your inbox). It will generate a username and will use your email from the Client Area account.
In the email, you will have a button that will give you a form to set up your password for Game Control Panel account.
In the Game Control Panel sign in page, fill in your credentials and press Sign In.
Alternatively, you can use your Client Area account to login into Game Control Panel by providing Client Area account credentials and pressing Sign In with SSO.


If you're being asked for a 2FA code, this is because your account has 2FA (Two-factor authentication) enabled, this requires a second step where you need to import the 6-digit code given by the Authentication app you set up on your account.
If you lost the app or don't have the code, you can insert the backup 2FA code, otherwise, open a Client Area Ticket to try to resolve your problem.


An overview of the Game Control Panel Server List, with the Navigation bar on the right, notifications in the bottom right, your profile options below that, the Server Search bar on the top center, and the server list itself on in the center of the page.Loading... Once you log in, you will be prompted to the server list. On top is the header. In the right top corner, you have:

  • Announcements - Here you can view announcements from WinterNode.
  • Notifications - Here you can view notifications about your servers.
  • Logout - This will log you out from Game Control Panel.
  • Account - Here you can manage your account details.

On the bar below, there is a navigation bar, allowing you to navigate to different areas of the panel. Some tabs have sub-tabs that show when you click and expand them.

Server List

The server list is located underneath the header and holds the list of servers accessed by your account.

Each server in that list will give you a preview of it:


The status symbol a server listed in the GCP Server List, located on the top left of the entryLoading...


The name of a server listed in the GCP server list, located on the top center of the entryLoading...


The resource usage of located on the bottom of a server listed in the GCP server list. Including the CPU percentage, current and max ram, current and max disk, and play count.Loading...


The UUID of a server a server listed in the GCP Server list, located on the top right of the entryLoading...

Primary IP

The primary IP of a server listed in the GCP server list, located on the center left of the entryLoading...


The node of a server listed in the GCP Server List, located in the right center of the entryLoading...

The Go to Console button, with an arrow pointing to the upper right, will open a new pop-out window with only the server's console, while the Manage button, that looks like a wrench or spanner, will access the server to manage it.

Server Management

When you open a server, it will greet you with the Server's Console, Server Controls, and Usage Graphs underneath.

Server Controls

There are 4 buttons located under the Server's Console, which mostly do what they say on the tin.

  • Start - Starts the server
  • Restart - Restarts the server
  • Stop - "Stops" the server
  • Kill - "Kills" the server

The GCP server console page with the "Server Controls" buttons located below the console window and centered.Loading...

Stop and Kill are different in how they tell the server to turn off. Stop gives the server the chance to save data, but Kill will forcibly "kill" the server as if you had pulled the plug from your computer.


The Kill button will cause the server to lose any unsaved data! Only use this button if your server has stopped responding!

Server Console

As shown in the image above, the Server Console has a field at the bottom for entering commands, as well as a couple of buttons on the far right.
The first button on the left, titled "Upload Logs" will upload your current log to our log server and provide you with a public link.
The second button titled "Open console popup" will open the Server Console in a dedicated browser window.

Usage Graphs

The GCP server graphs, showing the "CPU Usage" on the left graph and the "Memory Usage" on the right graph.Loading...

The graphs below the console show live CPU and Memory usage and can be used to gauge the rough performance/activity of your server.

Allocations Tab

You can find all of the IP addresses and ports currently allocated to your server under the Management → Allocations tab when viewing your server. If the list has been recently updated, the ports/IP will become available to your server after a restart.

The allocation marked Primary is generally used for the port that you would connect to as a player of the game and shouldn't be changed under normal circumstances.

Where's the Server IP Address?

Server IP Address can be found in Management → Allocations, or under the server’s name on your server list.

IP or Port?

The full server address is displayed as where is the IP Address and 25565 is the port. Some things require that the address and port be provided separately!

To connect to that IP address, use the IP Address for the IP and Port for the port. To see other ports available on the server, go to the Management → Allocations tab.

The allocations tab, located under the management tab in the navigation barLoading...

The primary IP of a server listed in the GCP server list, located on the center left of the entryLoading... The allocations Tab of the GCP showing one entryLoading...


Some games are a bit weird and don't use the primary allocation! For those games, we've included steps on how to find the port they use in their respective Help Center categories.

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